Each week, two best friends explore their favorite content. Books, video games, shows, movies, blogs and even other podcasts are discussed as seen through the lens of a world record holding skydiver and international cargo pilot. Let them clear some content out of their brains and into yours on The Content Clearinghouse!
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
747 parts on eBay / Dredd
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
You can buy anything on eBay. Even authentic parts from Delta's last flying 747-400 aircraft. Get our (un)professional recommendations on what to buy from seller whaletailsales right here! Then Josh mixes genres and melds minds with his recommendation for a sci-fi action film we BOTH love. Get the skinny on why this follows the video game action format to a T and don't bother sending us your disagreements. Contentologists are always right when it comes to content. (Except when we're not. But this isn't one of those times.) We're talking about Karl Urban's incredible chin and climbing up the block of levels with: Dredd.
Off-top Links and References:
Article: 747 parts for sale on eBay
Stripper in a warzone, Quiet from MGSV
Dredd and The Rise of Police State
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Other Podcast Appearances:
Josh on Have Not Seen This: Ep. 66 - Devil's Rejects
Josh on The Don't Assume Podcast: Ep. 24 - Skydiving
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Firehawk Raptors / Parks and Rec
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
What's more frightening than a bird of prey? A bird of prey with flames. That's right, some birds have learned to harness the power of fire to attack prey. (Is this really life?!) Then Brett recommends you check out that show everybody loves and you've heard so much about (that's like The Office, except you know, better) but never got around to watching. Sure, we aren't on Covid lockdown anymore... but doesn't mean you can't make some time to binge watch the crap out of this top-notch mockumentary sitcom about a mid-level bureaucrat: Parks and Rec.
Off-top Links and References:
Video: Firehawk Raptors at Work
Entertainment Weekly: One of the great Hollywood tragedies.
Oswalt's Nerd Rant 7 Years Later
Patton Oswalt’s Star Wars Filibuster (Extended Cut)
Andy becomes a Contentologist: 2015 Emmy's
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Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Polish Clams / The Den
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
You heard it here first: CLAMS CONTROL WATER SUPPLY. That is, if you live in the Polish city Poznan. Seriously, this is some pretty cool sciencey stuff we're doing replacing high-tech sensors with molluscs. Then Josh recommends you get your laptop out to consume the horror film that takes place... pretty much entirely on a laptop. This movie will hit home if you've spent most of the last year on zoom and other video-chat apps. I watched this movie after Josh recommended it... and I found it terrifying. You'll want to cover up your webcam (which apparently Mark Zuckerberg does too!) after you watch this little-known slasher film from the mind of Zachary Donohue: The Den.
Off-top Links and References:
Poznan Clams Control Water Supply
taping your laptop camera may do more harm than good... *rolls eyes*
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Thursday Mar 11, 2021
CMEs / Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
You wouldn't think a former world-champion and multiple world-record holding skydiver like Josh would be crippled by existential dread... but there is nothing more frightening to the otherwise intrepid contentologist than ejections of plasma from our closest star, the Sun. (Don't bother wiping off those tears of dread. Catch them for safekeeping in your fear journal!) Brett then shoots his web of content related opinions all over one of his absolute FAVORITE pieces of content. (He says absolute FAVORITE a bit much, amiright?) This truly is a masterpiece of animation, storytelling and well, everything else. Get ready for all the various "spider-people" because we're falling into the multi-dimensional movie Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.
Off-top Links and References:
Into the Spider-Verse: Dazzling, Hilarious & Unique
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Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Sokushinbutsu / Hell's Kitchen
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Today, by some content coincidence, we're BOTH talking food. On today's off-top, Brett talks about the self-mummifying buddhist monks who utilize an extreme ascetic diet in conjunction with their intense meditation practice to achieve a state of perceived immortality. You have to check out the photo... if you dare. Josh then gets deep into wind tunnels and the training course that started his iFly career: FITP (aka the Flight Instructor Training Program). What could have inspired this epic sidequest? Why, Gordon Ramsay's popular reality television show of course! If you can't stand the heat... never mind. Just check out this great TV show that involves a lot of cooking and a LOT of cussing: Hell's Kitchen.
Off-top Links and References:
The Buddhist Art of Mummifying Yourself
Wind Tunnel Content: Team Collective!
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Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Perseverance Rover / Snowpiercer
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
On today's off-top, Josh talks about the latest martian rover: Perseverance. Also in CCH news: we're not the only country with a robot on another planet! Is everyone moving to mars? Honestly, I can't wait to buy my first Martian Starbucks coffee with Dogecoin after I buy a Musk Airlines space flight ticket with my Gamestonk tendies. Brett then boards the under-appreciated movie train to talk about one of his favorite sci-fi films that seemed to have slipped through the cracks of the mainstream. Bong Joon-ho directed this dark, action-packed masterpiece that explores plenty of themes and concerns relevant to today's growing wealth inequality and large-scale issues that science hopes to tackle. Join the last humans on earth on the vehicle representative of something much larger: Snowpiercer.
Off-top Links and References:
Bong Joon Ho Oscar Speech Best Director
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Thursday Feb 18, 2021
UAP Theory / Kingdom
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
On today's off-top, Brett stumbles upon UAPtheory.com, a website putting forward a plausible theory for the technology behind UAPs/UFOs insane accelerations that seem to defy physics. This theory adheres to the number one rule: the laws of physics cannot be broken. Then Josh repeatedly states he is not an MMA expert but continues to show us why he's a CONTENT expert. He gets into a show with broken families, toxic competition and addiction - this is not content for the faint of heart. It's time for the dramatic and intense TV series: Kingdom.
Off-top Links and References:
A new way to visualize General Relativity
Pushing Kids to Succeed Paradox
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Thursday Feb 11, 2021
The Pixar Theory / What Technology Wants
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
On today's off-top, Josh dives into the theory that every single Pixar movie exists in the same universe. The Pixar Theory might be considered by some to be a bit of a stretch... after all, the "PCU" is definitely not obvious like the MCU but it is still a pretty interesting possibility! Then, Brett discusses a book that opened his mind to the idea that the same driving force behind the evolution of biological life is driving technology to follow the same path; apparently technology is just another branch in the kingdom of life. Kevin Kelly is the mastermind who authored the incredible work of non-fiction: What Technology Wants.
Off-top Links and References:
25-Year-Old Bet: Has Tech Destroyed Society?
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Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Tendies / Elite Dangerous
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
On today's off-top, get your tendies by following our meme-based stock tips.
(Obligatory disclaimer for SEC listeners: we are not financial advisors. This is not financial advice. We are but simple contentologists and definitely not moneyologists.) After that confusing rant from an upset smooth-brained ape attempting to overthrow all evil capitalists by buying an overpriced stock THAT I LIKE, Josh gets sucked into the allure of space... again. This is the video game to end all video games. (There is a lot of hyperbole in this episode.) Seriously though, the twists and turns between planets, gravity wells and potential extraterrestrial contact in this open-world flight simulation make this episode a must-listen for any video game geek that's looking for a virtual part-time job in the cosmos. Get ready for the galactic game: Elite Dangerous.
Off-top Links and References:
Apollo Astronaut almost dies "Horsing Around"
Rover Leaves Tracks in Morse Code
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Thursday Jan 28, 2021
TNO / Contact
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
It's all about space on this episode of The Content Clearinghouse. No, pairing these subjects together really wasn't planned... it's just two space nerds on the same content wavelength. First up from Josh: Trans-Neptunian objects, Pluto's fate, Nibiru and good ol' UFO disclosure wrapped up into the Covid relief bill. Then Brett dons his NASA socks to gush about sexy, nerdy Jodie Foster and hunkiest of hunks Matthew McConaughey and the tug-of-war they represent between Science and Religion. Get ready for the classic 90's movie: Contact.
Off-top Links and References:
UFO Disclosure in Covid Relief Bill
Why is Pluto no longer a planet?
Nibiru: The Nonexistent Planet
Voyager 1: Earth’s Farthest Spacecraft
7 Films That Absolutely Get The Science Right
Apollo Astronaut almost dies "Horsing Around"
Rover Leaves Tracks in Morse Code
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